The Citrus County Community Charitable Foundation strives to improve the health and wellness of residents in Citrus County, Florida by awarding grants for new projects in the areas of Health Education, Community Health, and Health/Medicine Programs/Projects and Health/Medicine Research or Initiatives.
Grants are made only for new or expanded (providing more services, expanding the number of clients, etc.) projects, programs or initiatives by not-for-profit organizations certified as tax-exempt under Sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are classified as “not a private foundation” under Section 509(a). As long as the eligibility requirements have been met, these organizations may apply for grant funding. Hospitals, educational institutions, and governmental institutions meeting these requirements are also eligible to apply. Organizations that are not fully licensed, have completed and filed Form 1023 but have not yet received an IRS determination letter are not eligible to apply.
In order to be good stewards of the Citrus County Community Charitable Foundation, Inc.’s resources and enhance the health & wellness of many Citrus County residents, grants will only be available to groups and organizations in Citrus County, Florida. No grants will be awarded to social, religious or political organizations for those purposes, bricks and mortar, office administration, building operations, or the following:
- For-profit organizations
- Annual fund drives
- Galas, or other special-event fundraising activities
- Capital campaigns
- Construction/renovation projects
- Deficit financing and debt reduction
- Taxes and miscellaneous expenses
- Emergency or disaster relief efforts
- Dissertations or student research projects
- Indirect/administrative costs
- Organizations which limit services to any one religious group or members of a specific sectarian perspective
- Institutions that discriminate against any protected class or on the basis of race, creed, gender, or sexual orientation in policy or in practice
- Other endowments or grant agencies/foundations for ultimate distribution to organizations or programs selected by such agencies or foundations
- Individuals or organizations seeking loans, scholarships, fellowships, travel assistance, conference or meeting fees
- Requests made from organizations without a physical or principle address within the legal boundaries of Citrus County, Florida
Granting Area
The CCCC Foundation’s grantmaking program is restricted to the legal boundaries of Citrus County, Florida only.