Bylaws, Articles & Oversight​

The Citrus County Community Charitable Foundation (CCCCF) was created by the Citrus County Hospital Board (CCHB), a Florida independent special district and county agency, pursuant to the authorization of Laws of Florida 2014-254 as an instrumentality of the State of Florida (or of a subdivision of the State of Florida) and is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes in order to carry out the purposes of the CCHB, for funding for the medically-related needs of the citizens and residents of Citrus County, Florida. For further information on the creation, governance, bylaws or oversight of the CCCCF, click on the PDF’s below.

PDFChapter 2014-254 – Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 1445

PDFFully Executed Amended Restated ByLaws 6-25-2020

PDFFully Executed Articles of Incorporation CCCCF


PDFPolicy – Board Expenditure

PDFPolicy – Conduct and Decorum of Meetings and Public Input

PDFPolicy – Investment

PDFPolicy – Meeting Notices Procedures

PDFPolicy – Prohibiting Electronic Funds Transfer

PDFPolicy Code of Ethics

PDFPolicy Conflict of Interest

PDFPolicy Gift Acceptance for Donations to CCCCF

PDFPolicy Record Retention, Management and Destruction